Creating Space for Mistakes. A Tale on Vulnerability, Angry Karma Gods and the Process of Becoming.

It’s another hot day. A hot Florida day, I might add, which would be bearable, even pleasurable I suppose if I were on a beach somewhere. But . . . I’m not. I’m here sitting on a park bench beneath a canopy of shady weeping willow trees writing these lines as quickly and as intently as possible while my granddaughter Meghan sleeps undisturbed in her carriage a few inches away.

Every few seconds my eyes lift to check on her. Everything in that look fills me up with such abundant joy as I soak in those soft rolls of baby fat lacing about her naked arms and legs making me instantly forget just how tired I truly was.

My world is now this world. That of a baby, poopy diapers, their every whimper is the only call to which I beckon. Leaving me ragged with no time to devote to anything else — let alone me.

Interestingly enough though it does afford me a great deal of time to think. To ruminate about the universe, about myself, who I am, and all those changes, those amazingly scary, difficult-to-digest events that have brought me here. To this particular place, to this particular moment.

“Life is a process of becoming,” said the percipient Anais Nin, “a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.”

I’ve always believed that nothing is without purpose. It takes many lifetimes meshed with many dramatic transformations to get us to where we need to be. And by sitting still . . . we’ll never get there.

Had I been a different person, had I not approached life in the “unusual” manner I did, taking a vacation from one life to start another, packing up, leaving all behind, reinventing myself over and over in search of a new life, love, until something spectacular finally emerged, I wonder . . . would I be here at all?

I gaze into the carriage. Would she?

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In the beginning, everything was an adventure. But then again, I was still in that clueless phase, barely twenty-one and fresh from suburbia where an exciting night to me meant locking lips with some guy under the bleachers or speeding down Peninsula Boulevard catching all the lights.

So with college behind me, I threw my dreams to the wind and made my way to New York City. That seventeen-square-mile piece of bustling real estate where the worlds of finance, fashion, and food collide. And to every single girl everywhere, Utopia. Yes, I had arrived. In no time at all, I’d blended into the scenery. I’d morphed into that fast-talking, fast-walking Marlo Thomas working girl. From the top of my Chanel beret to the bottom of platform shoes, the pieces of my plan quickly began to fall into place like pennies from heaven. I partied at The Bottom Line. I shopped on Canal Street. I spent summers at the Hamptons and winters in Vermont and for a long time in my mind, things were good. I took pleasure in this life I’d created even the quiet, consistent things that moved my daily world. The homeless man grounded to the sidewalk, the boots crunching in the snow, the typewriter at my desk, the coffee cup, the stack of yesterday’s newspapers.

But then like everything else that time touches sharpening those imbalances of what we refuse to see, the luster began to fade. My slice of the apple didn’t look so shiny to me anymore. And by then feeling slightly whittled away by years and a blur of romantic liaisons not worth mentioning, I found myself in an older and somewhat wiser position with my sneakers back on and running. Running and running as fast as I could thousands of miles away to Guadalajara, Mexico where I next fell into the arms of Mr. Medical Student, who eventually fractured all of me into a million pieces.

By the time I landed in Miami, the place where tacos weren’t the only thing on the menu, I was twenty-six and my Nikes and emotional fiber were already showing those recognizable signs of wear and tear. I tried to view this next stop as a fresh start, but it was difficult. The reality of constantly reinventing myself, the toll it took, had finally sunk in. And while I’d allowed my life to breeze by with the giddiness of discovering the world and growing up as only I believed I should, I could also see that by continuing down this road like rootless tumbleweed with nothing to show for all my troubles, what I wanted to achieve … might not be what I was going to get.

So I did the unthinkable: I hung up my running sneakers and let life happen.

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Over the next thirty years, I married Mr. Bicycle Man, had two children, added a panoply of professional hats to my resume, started three businesses, closed three businesses, got divorced, lost a sister. I remember sobbing a lot in those days. I remember mourning the loss of so many things within that same fragile space of human wreckage, so many things that never felt more devastating.

I was fairly certain that if a rock bottom existed … I was there.

The truth was I’d suffered through ten years of a loveless marriage. I’d sacrificed my sense of self-worth all for the sake of a plan. A dream. A silly dream that anticipated the life I wanted. A house to have a family in, a husband to grow old with. That was the vision I’d created for myself as a girl. And as the years passed when those things didn’t materialize I began to feel the dream also starting to leave me like the sun setting in the distance and did the only thing I could: I brought those things to me. I forced a life that in reality wasn’t mine. Taking without feeling the love that should have been there before all else.

“Do we settle for the world as it is, or do we work for the world as it should be?” ―Michelle Obama

Needless to say, I paid dearly for that dream. But once the karma gods saw fit to forgive my transgressions I began to grow in unexpected ways, bolder ways, vowing never to short-change myself ever again. Those days of turning myself inside/out like some ridiculous human pretzel just to please someone else were over. And from that point forward my mantra became: to thine own self be true. No matter how lonely, how harsh the world around me became.

For all this confidence the credit was not mine alone. Looking back had it not been for the wonderful support system of friends and family I had in place, I know things could have easily gone in a whole different direction for me at that precipice in time. Those compassionate faces helped me reconstruct a spine, find that footing I’d so foolishly misplaced along the way, and realize that I still had a whole lot of life in front of me left to live.

Yes, I was lucky in that respect. I had love in my corner.

I also just turned fifty-five. An age when most people viewed their empty nest as the perfect time to take actions like fixing up the house or selling it, finding a new hobby or investing smarter with thoughts of retirement versus traipsing off somewhere they didn’t know another soul and starting all over again.

Over the years I haven’t really spoken about why I picked myself up like that and just left, other than to say I was looking for something more than what I had. In those early years of taking vacations from life to life, I wasn’t sure I could articulate that type of exploration to anyone — even if I wanted to. But the truth was … I was simply running away from the person I was in the hope of becoming someone better.

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions” — Dalai Lama

Yes, that was me six years ago. Runaway mother and bad daughter with a one-way ticket in hand at the Ft. Lauderdale Airport bound for LA, sneakers back on, an apartment already lined up in Santa Monica and ready for anything. And why shouldn’t I be? I was heading to the entertainment capital of the world, the place where glitz and glam and bling oozed from every nook and cranny, where unbelievably it never rained, no one ever grew old and darned if I could figure . . . you could always find a bar open when you needed it.

Suddenly as if shedding a layer of skin, I felt alive again. Exhilarated by what I saw, what I did, every sense was on overdrive. My days were spent exploring while my nights were spent eating, drinking, and forgetting that I was no longer twenty-five. Shops and restaurants weren’t simply shops and restaurants to me. They were Spago, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton all rolled up in this magnificent experience as though an affirmation that the decision I made to trade in a life of balmy weather and bad hair days that left me looking like Sideshow Bob’s sister for one of sleek do’s and the certainty that my next date would be with someone that didn’t remind me of my grandfather, was by far the easiest — if not the best — I’d ever made.

I knew there was life after menopause. I also knew dating — once over a particular mile-marker — was a whole different animal. No more braving the bar scene or any scenario similar to that where I’d be surrounded by a sea of perky-busted twenty/thirty-somethings with not a hint of cellulite or wrinkle anywhere. That was not my idea of fun or anyone else’s for that matter endowed with more brains than chutzpa!

No, if romance was in the cards for me, well, then, it would just have to come find me in my new environment where I was suddenly playing catch-up with all those things that I’d forgotten brought calm to my storm. Painting, writing, reading, taking long drives up the PCH, through Topanga Canyon past Neil Young’s house, wandering around the Getty, it seemed as if all at once my world felt full. So full, in fact, I didn’t even notice that the dinner dates and coffee dates that were once an almost weekly affair had slowly dwindled to a big fat zero.

The strange thing was in all those years not once did I give up on the idea of love. But I couldn’t help but think somehow it had given up on me. I’d already invested more years than I cared to discuss in pursuit of it and despite its elusiveness, I somehow still found myself plodding along, perhaps though a bit more sluggishly seeking out this mythical Holy Grail that might or might not even exist, believing should I find it, all those missing pieces of my life would finally, miraculously fall into place.

What I didn’t realize was that they already had. But not in any way I ever imagined.

My daughter became pregnant. She was alone and three thousand miles away. I felt blindsided. Gobsmacked. The idea of grandparenthood suddenly thrust into my lap like hot coal was about as alien a thought to me as living on the moon.

No, no, no! I definitely did not want to be this person, this grandmother person, I kept telling myself repeatedly, frantically until I heard nothing else except the gentle, creaking sound of one door closing and another opening.

Six years ago I hopped on a plane. Continuing this extraordinary process in search of that perfect life, that perfect man, and that perfect home. A quest that had taken me from one end of the universe to another, one lifetime to another. But somewhere in all my searching, all my wearing out of leather soles and doormats I failed to grasp what I should have known right from the start: that home is only a word. That four walls are just that — four walls. And what matters most in life and in love is what’s contained within.

That’s the good stuff!

Some people always seem to know exactly where they’re going, while others take forever to figure it all out. Perhaps I’m one of those that fall somewhere in the middle. And even though my long vacation stints are now officially over and my running shoes tossed away, as I stare at this remarkable sleeping bundle licking her lips getting ready to wake, I’m here with open arms for whatever falls into them next. Because I know life is always going to be a surprise. Oh yes, a wonderful surprise.

Even for those wayward dreamers like me.

♦   ♦   ♦

Photo: Me as a chocolate chip cookie, circa 1993.

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What I Know About Everything. So Far.

I recently turned sixty-six. Wow. And other than the fact I no longer have to worry Social Security will be taking bites out my checks … it’s also not exactly a number I was looking forward to on the age scale of life.

The funny thing was up until the actual day I honestly believed I was only (only? ugh!) turning sixty-two. And had it not been for my daughter ringing me bright and early with a chipper happy birthday song followed up by “so how does it feel to be sixty-seven?” I would have remained blissfully ignorant.

I’m not sure it’s actually a denial thing why I seem to forget how old I am or simply a case of wishful thinking. I do know though, like most people, I’ve struggled over a lifetime to coalesce my outer shell now lined with enough wrinkles to rival a Shar-Pei, with my inner shell as ageless as time itself. And it’s a struggle that continues still. A struggle that ebbs and flows, that blooms and deflates, that sings with confidence and moans with defeat.

I know nothing is perfect. I know that the mirror is just a mirror and what truly matters lies much deeper. I know I’m lucky in so, so many ways. I’ve got my health. I get to do what I want every single day. And more importantly, I’m surrounded by those who love me … for me.

What more can I ask for?

Perhaps I can answer that best by saying: Getting older may have some perks, dimming mental spark plugs is not one of them. So on my journey toward a wiser me, a me that has become more accepting, more full, more true to herself, I’ve taken the liberty of writing down a handful of things I feel might shed some light on your journey, that is while I still can remember them.

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1. Life is a compilation of defining moments. Precious and rare and boundlessly filled with joy, tenderness, heartbreak, beauty, braces, babies, and mortgage payments all rolled up together.

2. Everything always has a way of working itself out. Maybe not in the way you expected. But give it a moment. Take a breath, and let the universe do its thing.

3. The perception of importance rests entirely with you. How you see yourself shouldn’t be dictated by others. This is a biggie.

4. As much as I hate to admit it, chocolate isn’t a food group. But it is right up there with my protein shakes.

5. Ignorance is not bliss. Sticking your head in the sand is not the way to handle pressure, anxiety, and all that crap that lands in your lap. If you want change, then you have to be part of that change. It will be the most empowering thing you’ll ever do.

6. Despite what people project, we’re more alike than we’re different. Underneath our Dolce & Gabbana and TJ Maxx specials, we’re all scared human beings. To some degree or another, we’re also screwed up, we’re needy, insecure, and even broken. This is undeniable. Which is why being judgmental has no place between us. The bottom line is this: we’re just people — people seeking the same thing on the same path. We’re just in different places, heading in different directions along the way.

7. Be at peace with your surroundings. Lord Byron said, “There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more.” So, go take that walk on the beach and give your soul a shot in the arm. Everything else will wait.

8. Happiness starts and ends with you. We tend to look outside ourselves for those things we need. As social beings getting those nurturing intangibles are paramount to our emotional survival. But that nurturing can only take you so far. You don’t need to be loved at the cost of being you.

9. Friends are those people who stick around when no one else does. They’re your rocks of granite, your cheering squads, telling those truths you might otherwise not want to hear. And if you end up with just one, well, then you’re luckier than most.

10. Finding those passions are gold. Most of us spend our entire lives searching. What we maybe fail to notice is that what stirs us doesn’t always have to be this one great thing. It could be a bunch of small things that put the happiness chip back in. And ultimately isn’t that all that matters? The joy?

11. Take care of your teeth. Floss daily and get cleanings at least once a year. You’ll thank me later!

12. Stay in shape as best you can. Get down on the mat, stretch those legs, take walks, take bike rides. Anything to keep you physically and mentally alert. This is another one of those things that need doing and doing regularly.

13. Humility. I don’t imagine this comes readily to anyone under the age of thirty. But eventually, you learn that you don’t know everything. You’re not the best at everything, and if you want to get anywhere in life you must first take those baby steps — just like everyone else.

14. Family is everything and sometimes they’re nothing. They are the most frustrating relationships you’ll ever have to tackle.

15. Similar to #7 … this one is making peace with all those things hanging around in your refrigerator. Yes, I do mean the ice cream, the tacos, the chocolate chip cookies. No more battles. If you want that slice of cake, I say fuck it. Eat the damn thing!

16. Reaching out to those less fortunate and less capable is our human responsibility. People, children, animals, all those that cannot fend for themselves deserve to be shown even a morsel of love and kindness. It’s not rocket science.

17. Death. This is what I perceive to be the hardest thing you’ll be forced to bear. Losing those people you can’t imagine your life like without. When they die, a huge chunk of you will die too. It’s a loss you will never fully get beyond. But maybe that’s the point … you’re not supposed to.

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Well, that’s what I’ve got—so far. I imagine in another few years, the list will expand because like I said … working out those personal kinks takes a lifetime. Thanks for reading. Peace and love y’all.

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